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Suspected Heretics
Catholics Against MhFM
Defending the Faith

The Crossroads at 23rd Street


"For, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." (Romans 1:22)


"When FEAR knocks on your door, send FAITH to answer it."

Suspected Heretics: The Dimond Brothers

A Dereliction of Duty Committed By
The Roman Catholic Church

"Any baptized person who, while retaining the name Christian, obstinately denies or doubts any of the truths proposed for belief by the divine and Catholic faith, is a heretic; if he abandons the Christian faith entirely, he is an apostate; if, finally, he refuses to be subject to the Supreme Pontiff, or have communication with the members of the Church subject to the Pope, he is schismatic." – A Practical Commentary on the Code of Canon Law, Volume 2, Canon 1325, page 109

And whosoever shall keep the whole law, but offend in one point, is become guilty of all.” - St. James 2:10

Have the Dimond Brothers of the Most Holy Family Monastery been formally condemned by the ecclesiastic / canonical authorities of the Church as “obstinate” heretics and schismatics or are they simply “suspected” of being such?

It is a critically important question that anyone who reads or listens to their material, or donates to, or financially supports, promotes or generally associates with the MHFM needs to ask themselves.

... If any refuse to avoid such after they have been ostracized by the Church, let them be excommunicated ...” - Lateran IV Council (1215), Canon 3

Yet, in all fairness it must be said that, though I have communicated, on this issue, with various legitimately ordained and commissioned representatives of the Church (parishes, abbeys, archdioceses, priests, bishops, etcetera); I have NOT received any substantiated proof that the Dimond Brothers of the MHFM have ever been formally charged, by the Church, with heresy and/or schism and excommunicated as a direct result of a decision handed down by a legitimately convened and assembled ecclesiastic court.

What I have received from these persons is an ambiguous affirmation that:

  • They are “heretics” in schism with the Church.

  • They are not Catholic (because they are not in union with Christ, his Vicar, or his Church).

  • They are, by their own admission, outside of the Church, thus there is no need to formally excommunicate them -- because they are already de facto excommunicated (Out of Communion).

  • They are not Benedictine (because St. Benedict was always loyally in union with the Church as St. Gregory the Great attests in his Dialogues).

  • Etcetera … the list goes on and on.

I do NOT disagree at all with the poignant but at the same time acute accusations spoken against the Dimond Brothers.

I am numbered with those who truly believe that these "brothers" are heretics, schismatics and have excommunicated themselves because of their vainglorious depravity.

It is indeed true that by their expressed “free will”, these baptized members of the Church, these miscreant laymen, have maliciously conspired together since 1997 and deliberately abandoned the Church (like the Protestants) leading 10’s of thousands astray.

But with that said … one cannot deny that as “wicked”, as these brothers are, it is nonetheless their God given right, as Catholics, to be provided the opportunity to confront their accusers and present their case before an ecclesiastic “court”; which, to date, the Church has been negligent in providing.

And by that negligence the Roman Catholic Church has been extremely slothful and derelict in its duty; not only in protecting the “faithful”; but equally to those “members”, like the Dimond Brothers, who have lost their way and need, for the sake of their salvation, to be encouraged and provided the opportunity to repent and return unto the fold.

Thus, until such time as the Dimond Brothers are officially denounced and formally accused / charge with grievous sin of heresy and schism, by the Church’s proper ecclesiastic authorities, they will remain, like it or not, “suspected” and not “obstinate” heretics”.

That’s right … though, by their heretical and schismatic activities, they have condemned themselves openly before God, they have not been formally accused of heresy by the Bishop of the Archdiocese of Buffalo and allotted the mandatory “twelve months” in which they either provide proof of their innocence of the charge, or repent of their transgressions and return unto the fold, or be officially condemned as obstinate heretics by the Church.

The ecclesiastic decisions on dealing effectively with heresy, taken by the Church Fathers at the Twelfth Ecumenical Council: Lateran IV in 1215, are found in Canon 3 of that council’s decrees and should not be written off simply because they appear far too “draconian” by today’s “modernist” standards; for those decisions became “law” and are a part of the “traditions” of the Church.

Canon 3 contains the procedures and penalties against heretics and their protectors. It states that if those “suspected” of heresy should neglect to prove themselves innocent before the Church, they are to be excommunicated.

It continues by stating that if these “suspected heretics” continue in their excommunicated state for a period of twelve months, without repenting, they are then to be officially condemned by the Church as obstinate heretics.

All Catholics must become aware and understand that if someone comes to you NOT sent, NOT appointed, NOT commissioned by that authority in which the fullness of Christ's power resides, by virtue of the unbroken succession, which can be traced back to the time of the Apostles … then that person is a "false prophet", a "false teacher", and/or what the Church calls a Heretic; and they should be shunned, NOT followed.

Canon 3 makes it specifically clear concerning the necessity of the Church to Forbid Heretics to Preach:

“But since some, under "the appearance of godliness, but denying the power thereof," as the Apostle says (II Tim. 3:5), arrogate to themselves the authority to preach, as the same Apostle says: "How shall they preach unless they be sent?" (Rom. 10:15), all those prohibited or not sent, who, without the authority of the Apostolic See or of the Catholic bishop of the locality, shall presume to usurp the office of preaching either publicly or privately, shall be excommunicated and unless they amend, and the sooner the better, they shall be visited with a further suitable penalty.”

St. Paul, speaking of the ministry of the Word, says: "Neither doth any man take the honor to himself but he who is called by God, as Aaron was." (Hebrews 5:4) That is to say that no one can intrude himself into the ministry but he who, like Aaron, is publicly and solemnly invested with the priesthood.

Thus the Dimond Brothers, as they fraudulently “arrogate to themselves the authority to preach”, as stated in Canon 3 above, have “excommunicated” themselves automatically from the unity of the Church becoming “suspected heretics”, until such time that they are officially judged guilty or proven innocent by the presiding / competent Church authority.

Canon 3 also mandates that those identified by the Church as ”heretics” shall be/ must be expelled by the “secular authorities” (i.e. the local diocesan Bishop) or they themselves will be excommunicated for failing to do so.

Canon 3 explicitly expresses the need and responsibility for DILIGENTLY SEEKING OUT HERETICS:

“We add, moreover, that every archbishop or bishop should himself or through his archdeacon or some other suitable persons, twice or at least once a year make the rounds of his diocese in which report has it that heretics dwell, and there compel three or more men of good character or, if it should be deemed advisable, the entire neighborhood, to swear that if anyone know of the presence there of heretics or others holding secret assemblies, or differing from the common way of the faithful in faith and morals, they will make them known to the bishop. The latter shall then call together before him those accused, who, if they do not purge themselves of the matter of which they are accused, or if after the rejection of their error they lapse into their former wickedness, shall be canonically punished. But if any of them by damnable obstinacy should disapprove of the oath and should perchance be unwilling to swear, from this very fact let them be regarded as heretics.”


We wish, therefore, and in virtue of obedience strictly command, that to carry out these instructions effectively the bishops exercise throughout their dioceses a scrupulous vigilance if they wish to escape canonical punishment. If from sufficient evidence it is apparent that a bishop is negligent or remiss in cleansing his diocese of the ferment of heretical wickedness, let him be deposed from the episcopal office and let another, who will and can confound heretical depravity, be substituted."

Thus, unfortunately, it becomes “painfully” evident that the problems associated with the Dimond Brothers "cathilo-protestant" sect are actually the direct responsibility of the Archdiocese in Buffalo, New York, to contend and deal with.

It is indeed sad to have to admit, yet the facts proclaim, that the Archdiocese of Buffalo, and thus the Church, has failed in their ecclesiastic responsibility over the last 20+ years to “diligently seek out and eliminate” the threat posed by heretics within their assigned area of ecclesiastic governance; which is a grievous and highly serious dereliction of duty.

The extreme gravity of that “dereliction of duty”, on behalf of the Archdiocese of Buffalo (the Church), is that it has allowed the Dimond Brothers’ heresy and the schismatic teachings associated with their “cyber ministry” to spread unchecked across the vast expanse of the world’s digital airwaves (the internet) creating an unholy “cyber” house of worship; which is negatively affecting the lives and the salvation of a vast number of “cybernaut” Catholics.

Yet, in the defense of the Church … the Dimond Brothers, by design, shrewdly chose to abandon the need to provide “pastoral care” for their adherents thus negating the need to create “physical” houses of worship and thus expanded their “business of religion” relatively undetected within the Archdiocese of Buffalo since 1996.

If these brothers, these “suspected” heretics, would have built just one purported Catholic house of worship within the local diocese associated with Fillmore, New York, they would have been most surely “denounced” and dealt with years ago.

The Dimond Brothers’ heretical folly needs to be denounced and denounced repeatedly to the Archdiocese of Buffalo, New York, until such a time that these “suspected heretics” are contacted by the local diocesan Bishop and provided the canonical “twelve months” allotted by the Church for them to either prove their innocence, or to repent from their heretical practices and return to the fold; or become “officially” condemned by the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and excommunicated as “obstinate heretics”.

I would not ask you to do what I have not already done myself. I sincerely and humbly ask you to pray about the truthfulness of what I have written here and if convinced … contact the Archdiocese of Buffalo and ask them what they are doing to “diligently seek out and eliminate” the threat posed by these “suspected heretics” operating unopposed within their assigned area of ecclesiastic governance.

"For not the hearers of the law are just before God: but the doers of the law shall be justified." - Romans 2:13

- Pax Tecum


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