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Fr Franz Hunolt
Catholics Against MhFM
Defending the Faith

The Crossroads at 23rd Street


"For, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." (Romans 1:22)


"When FEAR knocks on your door, send FAITH to answer it."

Fr. Franz Hunolt S.J. (1691-1746)

Fr. Franz Hunolt S.J. (1691-1746) was a popular German Catholic priest and preacher. The name of this renowned preacher is spelled in various ways in the catalogues of the Society of Jesus—Humold, Hunoldt, and (usually) Hunolt.

At the age of nine years he entered the Jesuit college of his native town and six years later he attended the Jesuit school at Cologne to study philosophy. Having completed the three years' course as master of arts, he entered the Society of Jesus there on 18 May. After a novitiate of two years at Trier he was sent to Geyst (near Münster, in Westphalia) for one year to prepare himself to teach. After this he taught in the gymnasium at Cologne and also at Aachen to the complete satisfaction of his superiors (summâ cum laude), being at the same time spiritual director of the junior Sodality. In this position he showed proofs of his remarkable oratorical talents. Having completed the theological course of four years and received Holy Orders, he should then have made his tertianship, or third year of probation, but was, during most of that period, employed in giving popular missions, so great had his reputation as a preacher already become. His next appointment was to the chair of logic at Coblenz, where he made his profession, 15 August 1724. It was not until after this year that he was able to follow his true vocation; he was assigned to the cathedral pulpit at Trier, and continued in that employment for nineteen years, to the satisfaction of his superiors, and the spiritual advancement of the city. Besides this he was much sought after as a confessor, and he also became chaplain of the city prison. His indefatigable activity required robust health, which, unfortunately, Hunolt had not. Chronic weakness of the heart rendered it impossible for him to preach; consequently, in 1743, he was transferred to the position of master of novices at Trier, and died there three years later.


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