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Religious Carpetbaggers
Catholics Against MhFM
Defending the Faith

The Crossroads at 23rd Street


"For, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." (Romans 1:22)


"When FEAR knocks on your door, send FAITH to answer it."

Religious Carpetbaggers: The Dimond Brothers

Webster’s dictionary defines Carpetbagger as: “a nonresident or new resident who seeks private gain from an area often by meddling in its business or politics.”

The Oxford dictionary defines Carpetbagger as: “a political candidate who seeks election in an area where they have no local connections.”

But there is another type of carpetbagger that I’d like to propose to you; that being a Religious Carpetbagger which is:

"A self-professed religious and un-ordained layman who fraudulently poses as or usurps the identity of an authenticated and commissioned teaching authority within an area or within a congregation where he has no authority and/or legitimacy whatsoever; and doing so with the firm intent of illicitly securing his livelihood."

It’s the definition of religious carpetbagger that I believe suits perfectly what the Dimond Brothers of the Most Holy Family Monastery (MhFM) actually are; though I find the other definitions to be equally appropriate.

Since the Second Vatican Council’s (V-II) break from tradition, there exists today an over-abundance of religious carpetbaggers; those “carnal believers”, posing as Catholics, who have taken advantage of the chaotic situation by utilizing / manipulating the Church’s dogma, doctrine and teachings by concocting a miraculous / magical / fraudulent “elixir of salvation” that they are selling to the unsuspecting (like street corner drug peddlers).

Their targets are the weakest members of the Church’s “scattering flock”; those who have allowed themselves to become “addicted to the Church’s affliction”; addicted to the chaos, confusion and conspiracies associated with V-II’s “unholy schism”.

These religious carpetbaggers are clever and use the traditional “truths” of the Church as cover for their otherwise “deceitful intentions”, their “hidden agenda” based primarily on obtaining remunerative self-enrichment.

They are wicked infiltrators who have stolen into the Church’s teaching domain; and are like the cockle (tares or weeds) within the wheat that Jesus spoke of in St Matthew 13: 24-30.

The scriptures, along with the Church’s traditional teachings, have been freely offered and made readily available for all to study and learn from for the sake of our salvation.

These teachings contain instructions and guidance for the “Christan faithful”. And it was never intended that those searching for the truth should go to anyone else for guidance and understanding other than to those duly commissioned with the authority to preach, teach and minister.

Nowhere does it state, in the teachings of the Church, that we should blindly place our “trust and faith” into the hands of reprobate charlatans; counting on them to interpret, for us, any doctrinal and/or scriptural passages that we may have trouble in understanding.

The Church’s teachings are essential to our salvation and are there to instruct us in All things; how to walk, how to talk, how to give, how to receive, how to work, how to pray, how to worship, how and what to believe in, how to live and to tells us, equally, what NOT to do.

In short, these teachings are there to instruct and guide as to how we may be faithful servants to God; bringing to Him honor and glory by our obedience to His will; and to us salvation.

The scriptural and traditional Church teachings are NOT subject to interpretation by anyone other than by those who hold the authentic ecclesiastic authority to do so.

And, anyone not possessing a legitimate “seal of approval”, claiming that they have somehow, by osmosis, formally received the right to interpret these teaching for us are liars, charlatans, scoundrels and/or religious carpetbaggers.

Ask yourselves ... how is it possible that anyone, any Catholic, believing that Jesus is the Christ, can expect to receive God’s full and freely offered truth from those whose lives are filled with documented evidence of vainglory, lust, greed, and deceit?

We live in a time where the Word of God and His Church has been, for the lack of a better word, ravaged by numerous religious miscreants. These dubious pastors have twisted, manipulated and packaged the scandal of heresy, in such a convincing way, so as to seduce disgruntled Catholics into abandoning Christ’s Church and following them (these “carnal Shepherds”) down a road that leads to schism and perdition.

For the last 20+ the Dimond Brothers have managed to successfully lure thousands upon thousands of Christ's scattered flock away from the Sacraments of the Church; without the need for offering these “lost sheep” any semblance of true pastoral care in exchange. Is that not a sign in itself that something is fundamentally wrong in the picture?

Is it not sufficiently clear and obvious that religious carpetbaggers “prey on" and do NOT "pray for" the salvation of Christ's “scattered flock”?

Is it not obvious that it is solely through the naive donations and the purchases of products sold by those piously masquerading as legitimate Catholic religious orders, associations and initiatives, that these reprehensible “businesses of religion”continue to flourish?

Case in point, the MhFM … on June 6, 2008 Frederick “Michael” Dimond submitted an affidavit to the New York District Court, during the time of the well-known Eric Hoyle vs Frederick Dimond, Robert Dimond, and Most Holy Family Monastery lawsuit, stating:

“(4) As a monastery, MhFM relies almost solely on donations made by supporters in order to sustain itself…”

“(5) … MhFM has developed a mailing list of more than 90,000 ... These benefactors, customers, and supporters are the veritable lifeblood of MhFM. Without the support of the individuals on these lists, MhFM would not be able to continue its work.”

“(6) … MhFM has been spending approximately $1,000 per day on its communications efforts, including Internet advertising and other communications vehicles …”

If you do the simple math associated with those June 6, 2008 figures you will see that the Dimond Brothers have managed to create a highly successful and lucrative “business” for themselves by deceiving thousands upon thousands of individuals into believing that they are what they are not; that being a Catholic religious entity. But the success of that deception is not at all surprising as Christ himself foretold in St Matthew 24:24:

“For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect.”

No one actually knows (but the IRS, I suppose) how financially successful the Dimond Brother’s “business of religion” is.

I would imagine that if these brothers are donating to a charity; it's more out of a desire to acquire a "tax deduction", to offset the financial gains made during any given year, than actually in assiting the poor.

But one thing is certain they have yet to use their proceeds to build a single Church, a place of worship, in which to provide the “scattered flock” with the appropriate pastoral care they are entitled to; like their founder Joseph Natale had initially insisted upon while he was alive and running the MhFM.

The Dimond Brothers are masters of deception and have cleverly fabricated an “Enchanting Lustful Lie” to use as a business strategy to attract their much needed prey; which professes:

“Bro. Joseph said he was told by God that our monastery would be ‘the only beacon of light of Catholicism left before the end of the world’ and ‘the forerunner of Christ’s Second Coming.’ He also said we would be the last Catholic religious order in the world…”

Sadly, the success of the Dimond Brothers has proven that there are a vast multitude of disgruntled Catholics who are willing to risk their soul's salvation and bet on the MhFM's "Enchanting Lustful Lie". And being the Religious Carpetbaggers they are ... the Dimond Brothers are truly grateful that they have a multitude of willing "sheep to fleece".

These disgruntled Catholics have somehow deluded themselves into believing that God abandoned his commitment to the Church, due to the tragic rebellion of the Second Vatican Council, and opted to place the fate of His Church, with its 1.2 billon souls, in the hands of 2 unprofessed, unordained layman ... rather than convince one or two of His 38,000+ Bishops or his 400,000+ Priests to get motivated and to do their assigned ecclesiatic duty.

These same disgruntled Catholics adamantly denounce the "Baptism of Desire" but appear ready to support the idea of a "Papacy of Desire" in which there is not only the “Chair of Peter” but also the "Chair of Michael" (Brothers Peter and Michael Dimond).

What nonsense this is … wake up before it's too late.

So then, how should we deal with these religious carpetbaggers? St Paul instructs us in 1 Corinthians 5:11 that they should be shunned, not funded, not supported, not listened to, and definitely not revered:

“But now I have written to you, not to keep company, if any man that is named a brother, be a fornicator, or covetous, or a server of idols, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner: with such a one, not so much as to eat.”

In St Matthew 7:16 Jesus goes on to tell us how we can recognize these false prophets, these false teachers, these religious carpetbaggers:

“By their fruits you shall know them.”

For years now the followers the Dimond Brothers have been forced to fabricate unsubstantiated and delusional excuses as to why these brothers:

  • Remain laymen.

  • Remain un-professed monks.

  • Remain un-ordained to Christ’s ministry.

  • Why they were denied and/or never received canonical provision to start a Benedictine religious community.

  • Why they switched from being non-sedevacantist (under Joseph Natale their founder) to being sedevacantist (under Brother Michael).

  • Why, as Benedictines, they "cheated" a novitiate (Eric Hoyle) out of approximately 1.6 million dollars instead of obeying canon 568 in such matters; returning to Eric ALL his possessions when he left the religious community unprofessed.

  • Etcetera … the list goes on and on

Reading from St Matthew 7:16 makes it clear that one should not eat the fruit grown by a farmer that can't be trusted. Common Sense and caution dictates that such fruit should NOT be ingested?

But, sadly, there are still people who obstantely refuse to listen and partake of the fruit nonetheless.

A Word of Extreme Caution: Do not be deceived by the alluring “charismatic words” of the Dimond Brothers; for they are pretenders whose ministry is built on a foundation of lies and deception.

No matter what doctrinal “truth”, and there is plenty, that can be found on their website or in the pamphlets, books, and videos that they sell to the public; the entire premise of their religious community's existance is based on an "Enchanting Lustful Lie".

The Dimond Brothers are not who they say they are and pretend so hard to be. They are Sarabaite and not Benedictine monks. And as such ... they are Religious Carpetbaggers.

Religious Carpetbaggers “prey on" and do NOT "pray for" the salvation of Christ's “scattered flock”

- Pax Tecum


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