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MHFM: An Enchanting Lustful Lie
Catholics Against MhFM
Defending the Faith

The Crossroads at 23rd Street


"For, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." (Romans 1:22)


"When FEAR knocks on your door, send FAITH to answer it."

MHFM: The Dimond Brothers' Enchanting Lustful Lie

"A lie that is half-truth is the darkest of all lies." - Alfred Tennyson

A first glance the name “Most Holy Family Monastery” (MhFM) conjures up an attractive, warm, and appealing first impression of a legitimate Catholic religious order established and dedicated to honoring and serving our Lord and Savior (Jesus Christ) along with His earthly mother (the Virgin Mary) and His surrogate father (Saint Joseph); all of whom the Church recognizes as being the “Most Holy Family”.

Though the “Monastery” part of the name leaves one to speculate as to which Catholic religious order the “MhFM” is actually a part of, it does not strike one as being immediately important.

As to why Joseph Natale (1933-1995 - a.k.a. Brother Joseph), the physically handicapped, ex import/export business manager, non-sedevacantist, founder of the “Most Holy Family Monastery” (MhFM), chose that specific name is not explained, detailed or mentioned anywhere on the Dimond Brothers’ massive "sedevacantist" website.

And, even more peculiar is the absence of any information at all pertaining to the life and times of this this purported latter day prophet (Brother Joseph) who the Dimond Brothers claim was called by God Himself, through a vision, to establish and lead, by “divine vocation”, the “last” true remnant Catholic religious order on earth.

Was this all a mere oversight on the Dimond Brothers’ part or was it done with the intent to conceal the fact that Joseph Natale’s fundamentally expressed beliefs, his written words, would have openly exposed and condemned, as being schismatic, the sedevacantist position the two “Judas” brothers adopted and turned his monastery into after his death?

Is it not equally bizarre and should it not raise an immediate question (i.e. to anyone with an IQ higher than a rosary bead, that is) as to why the MhFM is the ONLY “catholic” religious order website in the world without such fundamental explanatory information to be found detailing its founder and the legitimacy associated with the order's creation?

It is said that first impressions can be deceiving and in this specific case, with the Dimond Brothers’ MhFM, it is … without a doubt … absolutely so.

Deception is a skill set, a tool that the Dimond Brothers have learned to master over the last 20+ years. It is a dangerous and divisive instrument that can ONLY be found in the devil’s toolbox and it is used to fabricate snares; whose sole purpose is to lure the unsuspecting “lambs of God” to their ultimate doom. And anyone who possesses and uses this demonic tool cannot justifiably claim to be working with / for the “Most Holy Family”. No indeed, for only the wicked (false prophets, false teachers and/or repugnant pious frauds) would stoop so low as to wield such an evil tool against their "brothers and sisters" in Christ.

"For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple." - Romans 16:18

In looking once again at the name, “Most Holy Family Monastery” (MhFM), we see the word “Holy”, connoting Holiness or Sanctity, which is the outcome of sanctification, that Divine act by which God freely justifies us, and by which He has claimed us for His own. And those who wish to become worthy of such a benefice can only obtain that glorious status by their obedience to the laws of the Church and in keeping God’s Commandments. To believe otherwise is futile and little more than foolishly believing in an Enchanting Lustful Lie.

The truth of the matter is simple. The Dimond Brothers’ MhFM is not at all what it claims to be. It is a fictitious self-identified religious community made up of “two” lay-brothers concealing themselves behind a curtain of deceit within the shadows of cyber-space.

Ask yourselves:

  • Have you seen any pictures on their website as to what these two mid-forty want-to-be “monks” actually look like?

  • Have you seen any pictures on their website showing their monastery in Fillmore, New York, along with how they live and how they worship?

Let those who have eyes to see, see and ears to hear, hear.

No matter how many naïve individuals Fred (a.k.a. Brother Michael) and Bob (a.k.a. Brother Peter) Dimond convince that Joseph Natale (Brother Joseph) received permission and a “charter” from Archabbot Denis Strittmatter of St Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe, PA, to start a Benedictine community … it is not so.

No matter how strong a yearning these two sociopaths possess and successfully use to deceive others into believing that the MhFM is a legitimate Order of St Benedict … monksit is not so.

No matter how much these two deluded lay-brothers yearn for and want to believe that by the mere donning of black mail-order monks' habits that they are somehow miraculously transformed into being “true” Benedictine monks … it is not so.

And ... no matter how many times Fred (a.k.a. Brother Michael) vaingloriously repeats over and over to himself that he is The Right Reverend Lord and Father in Christ and Superior of a “true” Benedictine Monastery he calls the MhFMit is ABSOLUTELY not so.

I beseech you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, to muster the courage to look past the alluring / tantalizing theological "half-truths" and mystifying conspiratorial theories shamelessly misrepresented on the MhFM’s website / YouTube channel and honestly (for the sake of your salvation) question the canonical validity of this so-called religious order’s conception and its subsequent lucrative financial success. In doing so, you will see for yourself "the Dimond Brothers hiding behind the curtain" attempting to conceal from you the truth of their religious masquerade.

The Dimond Brothers are charlatans unworthy to be called Benedictine monks and are definitelty not reputable servants of the "Most Holy Family" no matter how much they yearn for it to be otherwise.


- Pax Tecum


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