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MhFM: Vitandus
Catholics Against MhFM
Defending the Faith

The Crossroads at 23rd Street


"For, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." (Romans 1:22)


"When FEAR knocks on your door, send FAITH to answer it."

MhFM: Vitandus Heretics
Violation of the ”Seal of the Confessional”

"To break the seal of confession is not only a crime in the Church, but it is, in fact, an act of utter betrayal to Jesus Christ." - Chad Pecknold, associate professor of systematic theology, Catholic University of America.

In a tweet made on March 1, 2020, @CatholicSede (a suspected "sock puppet" account) divulged confessional information that my son; as a penitent, had shared with Frederic (a.k.a. Brother Michael) Dimond the purported Benedictine Superior of MhFM; which is in direct violation of canon law.

@CatholicSede tweeted:


For weeks MhFM's twitter imps hurled debased slurs and slander at me in a vain attempt to dissuade me from further exposing their schismatic sect on social media as being a faction of religious pretenders / pious frauds devoid of Apostolicity (holy orders and authority).

These conspiratorial purveyors of end-times doom and gloom grew enraged that I would not be silenced, so they launched an orchestrated depraved twitter attack targeting the individual members of my family.

The primary focus of their attack was on Jeremy who, after 7 years of actively evangelizing and building up MhFM's base in Europe, renounced his affiliation with them and published his reasons for doing so. (http://www.la-foi.fr)

The ”Seal of the Confessional”

The Church teaches that when a person unburdens his soul and confesses his sins to a priest (or in this case a purported Benedictine Superior) in the Sacrament of Penance, a very sacred trust is formed. This secrecy is called "the Seal of the Confessional."

Sacrament of Penance, a very sacred trust is formed. This secrecy is called "the Seal of the Confessional." The sacramental seal is inviolable. Canon 983.1 of the Code of Canon Law states:

"...It is a crime for a confessor in any way to betray a penitent by word or in any other manner or for any reason" (No. 2490). A priest [the confessor], therefore, cannot break the seal to save his own life, to protect his good name, to refute a false accusation, to save the life of another, to aid the course of justice (like reporting a crime), or to avert a public calamity…”

What happens if a priest [confessor] violates the seal of confession?

Catechism (No. 1467) cites the Code of Canon Law (No. 1388.1), which states:

"A confessor who directly violates the seal of confession incurs an automatic excommunication reserved to the Apostolic See; if he does so only indirectly, he is to be punished in accord with the seriousness of the offense."

The Church's position in this matter has long-standing credibility. The Fourth Lateran Council (1215) produced one of the first comprehensive teachings concerning the Sacrament of Penance and decreed:

"Let the confessor take absolute care not to betray the sinner through word or sign, or in any other way whatsoever. In case he needs expert advice he may seek it without, however, in any way indicating the person. For we decree that he who presumes to reveal a sin which has been manifested to him in the tribunal of penance is not only to be deposed from the priestly office, but also to be consigned to a closed monastery for perpetual penance."

I sincerely hope and pray that this reported incident will act as a wake-up call to all you naive Dimondites who make up MhFM’s evangelical base.

The Dimond Brothers and their “henchmen” at MhFM are secretly compiling a dossier on you; which contain your personal information along with that of your family members, your stated opinions, your confessions and they will seek to leverage it against you when (not if) the day comes that you discover for yourself that these miscreant are in fact Satan's Useful Idiots.

By the laws of the church the Dimonds are condemned as "ipso facto" Vitandus heretics (“to be avoided”) and thus they are not to be trusted or followed. Look closely and you will see for yourselves that there is no Apostolicity and/or pastoral care to be found within their self-identified counterfeit Benedictine monastery.

The Dimond Brothers of the MhFM and their acolytes prey on and do not pray for the souls of Christ scattered flock.

Beware of ravening wolves dressed in in mail-order Benedictine monks' habits.

- Pax Tecum


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