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The Simple Truth - Superior or Not?
Catholics Against MhFM
Defending the Faith

The Crossroads at 23rd Street


"For, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." (Romans 1:22)


"When FEAR knocks on your door, send FAITH to answer it."
MHFM's Imposter Superior

MHFM's Impostor Superior

"Impostor" is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as: "One that assumes false identity or title for the purpose of deception."

First, let’s pretend, for the moment, that Joseph Natale (1933-1995) did have a "private revelation", in the early 1960s, in which he received an "extraordinary calling", a "divine vocation" from God to start a religious community that was intended to become the “Beacon Light of all Catholicism", the "Forerunner of Christ's Second Coming", and the "Final Religious Order in the World".

Let's next pretend that Joseph took that proof to St Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe, PA, in 1963, and presented it to Archabbot Dennis Strittmatter; who in turn, after consultation with the Holy See, granted Joseph the required canonical provision (a charter) to establish a Benedictine religious community that 30 years later, in 1993, would officially become known as Most Holy Family Monastery (MhFM).

Such an acceptance by the Church of Joseph's "divine vocation" would have excluded him from having to participate in and complete the standard rigors of 8+ years of theological, monastic, and ecclesiastic formation. Those who believe that Joseph did receive a "divine vocation" must also hold that God transformed him into a Prophet and a Benedictine Superior in a "twinkling of an eye".

And if Joseph's "divine vocation" did transpire as he claims; then it would appear that being a Benedictine was and is an essential, non-negotiable, part of God's "end-time" plan.

Why would God require that Joseph's religious community be Benedictine and not Jesuit, Franciscan, Dominican, etcetera? Good Question. Maybe it was just the result of a random toss of some celestial coin that got the Order of Saint Benedict selected over all the other legitimate Catholic religious orders.

It is common knowledge that before a person can legitimately profess themselves to be a Benetictine, they must first swear an oath to adhere to the Rule of St Benedict as well as to recognize and submit to the authority of the Holy See; which includes obedience to Canon Law.

We should all agree then that a true and professed Benedictine would never promulgate the "sedevacantist" position as that would go against the dictates of the Order's monastic "Rule"; which they have sworn to uphold; placing them firmly in schism with the Catholic Church.

Joseph Natale, though vehemently opposed to the modernist changes imposed by the Church at the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), never once declared his religious community (MhFM) as being sedevacantist.

Since we've agreed to pretend and believe in Joseph's "divine vocation", his "prophetic calling", then we must equally pretend that his view on the situation in the Church, including what our responsibilities as Catholics are to it, cannot and should not be overlooked or written off.

In his 1992 interview at in Berlin, NJ, the "prophet" Joseph Natale said:

The Church right now is fragmented. We must teach Catholics, traditionalist Catholics we may use that terminology, I’d rather use the word Roman Catholic. We must unite. We must, if we do no unite and come together and working for one goal and that goal is the Holy Mother Church, upon this rock I will build my Church, Peter. We must maintain that structure. We must uphold that structure no matter what the cost may be. We must uphold the structure of the Papacy. And we must try to unite the Church not fragment it.

Now this might sound strange, to some people that I know, we must maintain ourselves within the framework of that Church. And fight with whatever tools the Church allows us to fight with. I’d like to say as far as our day is concerned, as you just said, the darkness that we are in is not coincidence. It’s diabolical. The seed of Satan has been sowed.

Joseph Natale's sudden death on Novembr 11, 1995 left the monastery without a Superior to lead, guide and direct it.

As Joseph had been the only person residing at the monastery who claimed to have received a "divine vocation" from God to act and "to hold the place of Christ in the monastery"; it created a serious predicament for the MhFM.

Some of the pre-conditions for the position of a Benedictine Superior state that the person must be:

  1. at least thirty years of age,

  2. solemnly professed for at least seven years (CIC 623),

  3. an ordained priest,

  4. a member of the Congregation.

It states on page 55 of the 1910 “Declarations on the Rule of Our Holy Father St. Benedict and Statutes of the American-Cassinese Congregation", approved and promulgated by Pope Pius X of the Holy See:

“No one, however, can be elected unless he has made solemn vows, is ordained to the priesthood and belongs to our congregation.”

Frederick Dimond (a.k.a. Brother Michael) entered Joseph Natale's MhFM in 1992, as a lay brother; at the age of 19. Shortly after Joseph's death in 1995, though it is not clear how he managed it, Frederick Dimond, an un-professed layman, declared himself to be the MhFM's new duly elected Superior. The obvious question that rises from that declaration is ... how is that legitimately possible?

Let's review facts as they relate to Frederick Dimond's (FD) situation in 1995. To become a Benedictine Superior one must be:

  1. at least thirty years of age ... (FD was 22 years old),

  2. solemnly professed for at least seven years (CIC 623) ... (FD was un-professed having only been at the MhFM for 3 years),

  3. an ordained priest... (FD never received Holy Orders),

  4. a member of the Congregation... (MhFM not affiliated with the Congregation or a local Diocese).

As there is no evidence or supporting claim made by Frederick Dimond of receiving, like Joseph, a "divine vocation", Canon Law must be followed.

Canon 147: “An ecclesiastical office cannot be validly obtained without canonical provision. Canonical provision means the grant of an ecclesiastical office by competent ecclesiastical authority, made according to the sacred canons.”

In the Canon Law Digest, Vol. 3, under Canon 147, on page 71, we find the following comment:

"Excommunication as vitandus is inflicted for accepting office from lay authority,”.

Being only a layman himself, Frederick Dimond did not possess the authority to appoint himself as a Benedictine Superior (i.e. to a position of greater authority and responsibility than he possessed himself). And thus by the act of his illegitimately declaring and promoting himself to the position of Superior, Frederick Dimond became vitandus.

And as an "ipso facto" excommunicated vitandus heretic ... Frederic Dimond has no legitimacy at all in proclaiming that he is:

"The Right Reverend Lord and Father in Christ, Bro. Michael Dimond, Superior of this Monastery" ... (MhFM)

... for he is an "Imposter".

Pax Tecum


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